2007年12月19日 星期三


本校自2007年12月16日 至2007年12月30日放假,2008年1月6日開始上課
Winter break from Dec. 16, 2007 to Dec. 30, 2007. School will resume on Jan. 6, 2008


Dear Parents,

With the heavy snow coming early to celebrate Christmas with us, we look forward to spending the jovial holidays with the family. We hope everyone will have a good holiday season.

本校原定自2007年12月23日至2007年1月06日放假,由於12月16日因大風雪停課,寒假將提早一星期結束,改為2008年1月6日開始上課。放假期間若有任何指教,歡迎與各班老師聯繫或直撥慈濟多倫多支會 905- 9471182。當然,本校網站 http://academy.tzuchi.ca/toronto 是您的優先選擇,不論是教師徵選,或是老師為學生精心設計的部落格,相信您會發現更多驚喜喔!此外,您所關心12月2日舉辦的靜思語繪圖作文/作文比賽名單,也將於12月22日公布,敬請上網查詢。
Originally, winter break starts from December 23, 2007 and end on January 6, 2008. Due to the snow storm, the class on Dec. 16 was cancelled. Therefore, the winter break will be shortened for one week. Classes will resume on January 06, 2008. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions during the school break, you may contact your class teacher or call Tzu-Chi Toronto branch office at 905-947-1182; or you can visit our website at http://academy.tzuchi.ca/toronto to find news updates and review our blogs. Also, on December 22, 2007, we will announce the winners of the the Jing-Si Aphorism Drawings and Composition Competition that was held on December 2. Please watch the website for more information.

We are grateful for all the efforts the teachers and the volunteers have put in throughout the year; also a special thank you for your support at the charity fund-raising sale, and for the food bank event. We wish you all a pleasant and safe holidays.
謹祝 聖誕快樂 新年如意Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 慈濟多倫多人文學校教務處敬啟 2007年12月17日

2007年12月15日 星期六



2007年12月10日 星期一

四年級舉辦Food Drive活動(12/9~1/27共5週)


愛的叮嚀﹕師姑師伯只發放 素食給街民﹗請別帶錯哦~
